Red Sun – Le soleil rouge – 1967 – Joan Miró
Why MiRo
The name of our workshop was conceived to pay homage to the surrealist artist Joan Mirò . This choice was made with the desire to be able to create a laboratory that would embrace some themes of Surrealism.
Surrealism is an avant-garde movement born in France between the two wars. The term means “overcoming realism”. For the surrealists, art must immediately express the unconscious in the sense of a higher reality, conceived as a place where real and imaginary, past and present come together without contradictions. The artists intend to contrast the rationalism and naturalism of bourgeois art, instead of developing a new language capable of leveraging the enormous pool of information contained in our unconscious, offering a more authentic and profound vision of the self.
As for Surrealism, our laboratory was born with the idea of trying to build a work environment in which minds were not only governed by superficial rules and schemes, but could be free to draw on the enormous pool of information contained in our unconscious. , grasping the reality hidden behind appearances and then synthesizing new solutions in a “profoundly” creative and innovative way.
And, like Mirò, the important thing is to never stop dreaming, with the fantastic or phantasmatic projection of the “dream” and subconscious thinking in a visionary pseudo-reality, we hope that our creative and dynamic work environment can immerse you our activities completely by entering a state of work / consciousness called flow.
The state of flow is characterized by intense concentration focused on the present moment, a total harmony between thought and action, a feeling of competence and absolute control over the experience, accompanied by a distortion of the perception of time and a deep sense of gratification. and well-being. To get the “flow”, you need to connect synergistically with your unconscious. In this way it is possible to achieve the maximum in terms of performance, creativity and productivity, effortlessly and almost without fatigue.

The work we have followed and which is briefly described on this site would not have been possible without the collaboration of many people.
First of all, the mechatronics group led by Prof. Mauro Da Lio: Enrico Bertolazzi, Francesco Biral, Daniele Bortoluzzi, Paolo Bosetti, Stefania Bruschi, Ilaria Cristofolini, Vigilio Fontanari.
Our researchers in the measurement field: Luca Baglivo, Francesco Setti, Massimo Lunardelli, Ilya Afanasyev.
PhD students, contracts and Master’s theses: Mattia Tavernini, Alberto Fornaser, Nicolò Biasi, Giordano Miori, Michele Confalonieri, Ruggero Bini.
The people of the University of Padua from whom I was able to develop my fields of expertise / interest led by Professor Francesco Angrilli: Stefano Debei, Daniele Pavarin, Alessandro Francesconi, Mirco Zaccariotto, Carlo Bettanini, Marco Pertile.
Giovanni Guandalini who had a fundamental role in the experimental tests for VERITAS.
Luigi Scapin who is promoting new application ideas in the field of industrial quality control.
Finally, thanks to the international collaboration with the Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan. In particular with Prof. Hirokazu Kato of the Interactive Media Design Lab, with Prof. Keiichi Yasumato of the Ubiquitous Computing Systems Lab and with Prof. Gustavo Garcia of the Robotic Lab.
The current team

Mariolino De Cecco
Mariolino De Cecco is Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering – University of Trento. Head of the MIRo laboratory and coproposer and member of the steering committee of the autonomous province of Trento project AUSILIA. His research fields are about Measurements, Robotics and Space. Referee of different international papers and congress, and of different national and international research projects. Author of more than 190 papers on international journal with referee, book chapters, papers on national or international congress with referee, H-index 33.

Damiano Fruet
PhD Student
Damiano obtained his Bachelor Degree in Industrial Engineering at the University of Trento, then his Master Degree in Biomedical Engineering at the Polytechnic of Turin with a thesis aiming at creating a treadmill self-adjusting speed system based on the user’s position. He further cultivated his research interest in sports engineering by joining the CeRiSM research centre in Rovereto. He moved then to a biomedical company with the position of project manager in the field of 3d printing design. He is now enrolled in the PhD school at the DII department with a project focusing on the integration of data coming from environmental and physiological sensors for objective assessment of patient performance in occupational therapy.

Alessandro Luchetti
Alessandro Luchetti received his BSc in Mechanical Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Marche (Italy) and specialized in Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Trento (Italy) in both cases with honors. His research activity based on Mixed Reality technologies was partly undertaken at the NAIST institute, Japan. After a period of three years as Research Fellow he is now enrolled in the PhD school at the Department of Industrial Engineering of University of Trento. His PhD focuses on the study of how innovative technologies can augment human capabilities, wellbeing and safety in different fields.

Matteo Zanetti
Postdoctoral Researcher
Matteo Zanetti received the MS degree in Mechatronic Engineering in 2014, and the Ph.D. degree in Materials, Mechatronics, and System Engineering in 2019, both from the University of Trento. During his Ph.D., he was involved, within the AUSILIA project, in the development of motion capture and stress measurement algorithms for subjects with physical and/or cognitive disabilities, contributing to the creation of a virtual reality interface for therapists. Currently, his research activity focuses mainly on the development of algorithms for 3D vision systems and technologies in Mixed Reality related to the European project MiReBooks.

Mariolino De Cecco
Mariolino De Cecco is Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering – University of Trento. Head of the MIRo laboratory and coproposer and member of the steering committee of the autonomous province of Trento project AUSILIA. His research fields are about Measurements, Robotics and Space. Referee of different international papers and congress, and of different national and international research projects. Author of more than 190 papers on international journal with referee, book chapters, papers on national or international congress with referee, H-index 33.

Nicola Covre
PhD Student
Dr. Nicola Covre achieved the bachelor degree in Aerospace Engineering at Politecnico di Milano in 2016. In 2018 he attended the Bilateral agreement exchange program studying one semester at the Mechatronics Engineering Department of the University of Melbourne, Australia. He developed his thesis at the University of Saarland in the field of A.I. in collaboration with the Artificial Intelligence Research Centre DFKI, and graduated in Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Trento, Italy in 2018. He is currently studying physio-mechanical measurements as PhD student at the Mechatronics Department of the University of Trento. His research interests are A.I. and autonomous systems for biomedical applications.

Luca Maule
Postdoctoral Researcher
Dr. Maule Luca Luca Maule received his MEng in mechatronics engineering, specializing in robotic in 2014 and the Ph.D. degree in Materials, Mechatronics and System Engineering in 2019, both from the University of Trento (Italy). In 2016 he obtained the qualification to practice the profession of engineer from the University of Trento (Italy). Currently, its field of work is the research and development of integrated solutions in the field of mobile robotics and human-machine interaction in clinical and industrial application.

Damiano Fruet
PhD Student
Damiano obtained his Bachelor Degree in Industrial Engineering at the University of Trento, then his Master Degree in Biomedical Engineering at the Polytechnic of Turin with a thesis aiming at creating a treadmill self-adjusting speed system based on the user’s position. He further cultivated his research interest in sports engineering by joining the CeRiSM research centre in Rovereto. He moved then to a biomedical company with the position of project manager in the field of 3d printing design. He is now enrolled in the PhD school at the DII department with a project focusing on the integration of data coming from environmental and physiological sensors for objective assessment of patient performance in occupational therapy.

Alessandro Luchetti
Alessandro Luchetti is graduated in Mechanical Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Marche and specialized in Mechatronic Engineering at the University of Trento in both cases with honors. The first year of his research fellowship, he worked in robotic grinding of Titanium-alloys welded components for aeronautic application for the MiRo laboratory of the University of Trento and Fly Spa (TN). His research on Augmented Reality continued for 7 months at the Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan. Today his passion for new technologies focuses his attention on the study of the advantages that their interaction with humans brings in smart factories, the clinical field, and education. Currently involved in the European project MireBooks.

Matteo Zanetti
Postdoctoral Researcher
Matteo Zanetti received the MS degree in Mechatronic Engineering in 2014, and the Ph.D. degree in Materials, Mechatronics, and System Engineering in 2019, both from the University of Trento. During his Ph.D., he was involved, within the AUSILIA project, in the development of motion capture and stress measurement algorithms for subjects with physical and/or cognitive disabilities, contributing to the creation of a virtual reality interface for therapists. Currently, his research activity focuses mainly on the development of algorithms for 3D vision systems and technologies in Mixed Reality related to the European project MiReBooks.

Mariolino De Cecco
Mariolino De Cecco is Associate Professor at the Department of Industrial Engineering – University of Trento. Head of the MIRo laboratory and coproposer and member of the steering committee of the autonomous province of Trento project AUSILIA. His research fields are about Measurements, Robotics and Space. Referee of different international papers and congress, and of different national and international research projects. Author of more than 190 papers on international journal with referee, book chapters, papers on national or international congress with referee, H-index 33.

Nicola Covre
PhD Student
Dr. Nicola Covre achieved the bachelor degree in Aerospace Engineering at Politecnico di Milano in 2016. In 2018 he attended the Bilateral agreement exchange program studying one semester at the Mechatronics Engineering Department of the University of Melbourne, Australia. He developed his thesis at the University of Saarland in the field of A.I. in collaboration with the Artificial Intelligence Research Centre DFKI, and graduated in Mechatronics Engineering at the University of Trento, Italy in 2018. He is currently studying physio-mechanical measurements as PhD student at the Mechatronics Department of the University of Trento. His research interests are A.I. and autonomous systems for biomedical applications.

Luca Maule
Postdoctoral Researcher
Luca Maule received his MEng in mechatronics engineering, specializing in robotic in 2014 and the Ph.D. degree in Materials, Mechatronics and System Engineering in 2019, both from the University of Trento (Italy). In 2016 he obtained the qualification to practice the profession of engineer from the University of Trento (Italy). Currently, its field of work is the research and development of integrated solutions in the field of mobile robotics and human-machine interaction in clinical and industrial application.

Damiano Fruet
PhD Student
Damiano obtained his Bachelor Degree in Industrial Engineering at the University of Trento, then his Master Degree in Biomedical Engineering at the Polytechnic of Turin with a thesis aiming at creating a treadmill self-adjusting speed system based on the user’s position. He further cultivated his research interest in sports engineering by joining the CeRiSM research centre in Rovereto. He moved then to a biomedical company with the position of project manager in the field of 3d printing design. He is now enrolled in the PhD school at the DII department with a project focusing on the integration of data coming from environmental and physiological sensors for objective assessment of patient performance in occupational therapy.

Alessandro Luchetti
Alessandro Luchetti is graduated in Mechanical Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Marche and specialized in Mechatronic Engineering at the University of Trento in both cases with honors. The first year of his research fellowship, he worked in robotic grinding of Titanium-alloys welded components for aeronautic application for the MiRo laboratory of the University of Trento and Fly Spa (TN). His research on Augmented Reality continued for 7 months at the Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST), Japan. Today his passion for new technologies focuses his attention on the study of the advantages that their interaction with humans brings in smart factories, the clinical field, and education. Currently involved in the European project MireBooks.

Matteo Zanetti
Postdoctoral Researcher
Matteo Zanetti received the MS degree in Mechatronic Engineering in 2014, and the Ph.D. degree in Materials, Mechatronics, and System Engineering in 2019, both from the University of Trento. During his Ph.D., he was involved, within the AUSILIA project, in the development of motion capture and stress measurement algorithms for subjects with physical and/or cognitive disabilities, contributing to the creation of a virtual reality interface for therapists. Currently, his research activity focuses mainly on the development of algorithms for 3D vision systems and technologies in Mixed Reality related to the European project MiReBooks.