Multidimensional assessment of daily living activities in a shared Augmented Reality


A shared Augmented Reality Demo for the daily activity of setting up a table where both a therapist and a patient can interact with visual cues superimposed on the real environment to assess and train the patient performances in occupational therapy.

Why Shared Augmented Reality?

Therapist-patient interaction is a key aspect of success in rehabilitation: physical, verbal, and technical exchanges between the physical therapist and patients highly influence the outcome promoting the engagement of the patient and the involvement of the therapist.

ADL procedure:

  • Both therapist and patient wear HoloLens 2.
  • The therapist set the table with virtual objects.
  • The user next has to set the table, this time with real objects, trying to match them as closely as possible to the corresponding virtual models.

Once the exercise is completed, a vision-based algorithm for object segmentation, localization, and identification provides the therapist the patient performances in AR (objects misplacements and the elapsed time)

CITE: Luchetti, A., Butaslac, I., Rosi, M., Fruet, D., Nollo, G., Ianes, P. G., … & De Cecco, M. (2022, May). Multidimensional assessment of daily living activities in a shared Augmented Reality environment. In 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Metrology for Living Environment (MetroLivEn) (pp. 60-65). IEEE.