Categoria News

Cooperative navigation of Underwater Autonomous Vehicles

By Luca Baglivo @ IST-Lisbon Captain Nemo would be astonished by looking at UAVs which are currently employed in a number of applications. To mention just a few of them: pipeline inspection, harbour patrolling, mapping and sampling, bio-monitoring. The UAVs…


Here some videos of our first prototypes:

Laser Triangulation for shape Measurement

by Emanuele Riposi (for his Bachelor thesis) The aim of this work is to reconstruct glass objects profile using a Laser triangulation sensor. In this kind of sensor, a laser beam emitted from the semiconductor laser is applied to the…

Roboserse: AGV for Industrial

Our thesis project focused on the development of a mobile robot, whose aim was the handling of industrial loads. In order to have high manoeuvrability, we chose a rhombic-like vehicle, using two motor wheels. The latter are controllable in steering…

Visit to Villa Rosa 2013

The advice: Monday 25 nov 2013 Dear All, We are going to plan the visit to Villa Rosa (the new rehabilitation hospital in via Spolverine, 84 – 38057 Pergine Valsugana) the next friday 29th from 13:00 to 15:30. Starting at…

Visit to Villa Rosa 2012

The 26th of november we were invited by doct Giovanni Guandalini, head of the ABILITA unit, to visit the rehabilitation centre of the clinics situated in Pergine (TN). After an introduction to the clinics general aim and end users characteristics…